Jesus Christ Our Everything
Bob Sammons, BMI
Sean Barber, Chris White Music BMI
Verse 1
Baby sleeping in a manger
Oh, what wondrous sight
Angels singing out His praises (And) Wise men trav’ling in the night
The Son of God, born as a stranger Jesus is His name
He has come to bring salvation And bear our sin and shame
He came to save, He came to heal His grace and mercy, oh so real The Lamb of God, the King of kings Jesus Christ, our everything
Verse 2
In the stillness of the garden Oh, what agony
He is praying to His Father “Let thy will be done with me”
They lead Him to the cross on Calv’ry Where His blood pays for sin
Christ the Savior lays down His life But this is not the end
They bury Him behind the stone
But in three days, the world will know He arose