Come To The Well

Come To The Well

Ray Scarbrough

Chris White Music / BMI


She stared out her window with dread,

embarrassed from a life torn to shreds,

as the ladies from town all made their way to the well.

Because it was the heat of the day,

they all left the well for the shade,

then she tiptoed on out content with don’t ask & don’t tell.


Still nervous, looking over her shoulder,

though she felt a little bit bolder,

her stomach drew tight when she noticed a man with no pale.

Right before she started to run

He told her all that she’s ever done.

She dropped her bucket & ran to the town

saying come to the well.


Let all who are thirsty & dry come to the well.

The Spirit of God & the Bride say come to the well.

When you’re covered in the filth of your sin

drop your bucket as well, jump right in

& you’ll never, ever thirst again.

Come to the well.


I stand before you today

once parched from a life filled with shame.

A past of regret left me yearning, & headed toward Hell.

O but I heeded a voice that said come

& I drank in the fount of God’s Son

& my cravings been quenched

since I’ve met Jesus, The Well.

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