Hand Full of Meal
Ray Scarbrough
She was a poor little widow
with a poor little son,
with a poor little son,
with one final supper,
then their lives would be done.
She had a cup full of oil
& a hand full of meal.
They would eat it & die.
It was a painful ordeal.
Then along came Elisha
saying “Give me to eat.”
She said “It’s all that we have.
But here’s a plate & a seat.”
He said “Because you have given
with your heart & your zeal,
you’ll always have oil
& you’ll always have meal.”
Little is much
when my God is in it.
It’s only spoonfuls & such
but I’m still in it to win it.
I’m not shaken or forsaken.
I’m not beg’n for bread.
What I have is the Lord’s
& we’ve always been fed.
There’s a cupboard of plenty
in the home of God’s will.
I’ve got a cup full of oil
& a hand full of meal.
I’ve got no green in the bank.
My account’s in the red.
I wish that I could pay debts
with silver hairs in my head.
There’s a pink final notice
hang’n on my front door.
But I’m not yellow or scared
nor am I pac’n the floor.
That blue truck that I’m driv’n,
well it’s on it’s last leg.
Will it start or will it die?
Driv’n my nerves to the edge.
It’s just the color of money
but I’m not worried about bills.
I’ve got a cup full of oil
& a hand full of meal.
Repeat chorus
I once was young
but now I am old.
I’ve never seen the righteous
forsaken. No.