Here We Go

Here We Go

(written by Ray Scarbrough)


Sunday morning as the sun comes up.

Smell’n that coffee from my daddy’s cup.

Mama cook’n bacon in the fry’n pan.

Little sister’s in the kitchen giv’n Mom a hand.

Hurry! Get ready! Look’n at the clock.

Press my pants & find my socks.

Where’s my tie? How about my shirt.

It’s time to go. It’s time for church..


Rise & shine It’s a brand new day..

We’re headed out & we won’t be late.

All the church is gathered round.

God’s com’n down to our hometown.

No time for wait’n or mov’n slow.

Get ready. O! Here we go!


Our Lord is com’n & it won’t be long.

We’ll all be sing’n that goodbye song.

Old Death may come & bury me

in a chilly grave so damp & deep.

To live is Christ. To die is gain.

If I go now He knows my name.

With an angels shout & a trumpet sound,

I’m bust’n out of that hard ground.

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