I Know That I’ll Go

“I Know That I’ll Go”

written by Ray Scarbrough (Chris White Music Publishing/BMI)

Verse I

I’ve been convinced, and know that I’m sure of

that He’ll return, for the ones He loves

I’m positive, and not a bit concerned

and upon His word, I’m still standing firm


Well I know that I’ll go

            (I know that I know, that I know, that I’ll go)

to a land that’s far away

I have no doubt

            (there is no shadow of doubt)

He’ll return for me someday

It’s not a guess, or a wish, or an aspiration

a reckon, or a maybe so

I’ma going to heaven

            (yes I am)

and I know that I’ll go

            (I know that I know, that I know that I’ll go, I know that I know that I’ll go )

Verse II

I’ve never seen, that mansion built for me

my Jesus said, it’s there so I believe

the streets of gold, await me and although

my feet have never walked ’em, I’ll run ’em to the throne

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