Waiting For The Dawn

Waiting For The Dawn

Ray Scarbrough

Chris White Music (BMI)


Well it’s late & after midnight

& I can’t find my rest.

My day was a disaster

filled with things that I detest.

I’ve spent a lot of time a’weeping.

But I’m gonna sing a new song

because joys coming on in the morning.

I’m just wait’n for the dawn.


I’m wait’n for the dawn.

It won’t be long.

Wait’n for the start of a brand new day.

I’m ready for a fresh & new beginning.

I’m press’n on.

I’m gonna roll it away.

Well I’ve spent enough time

in the graveyard.

From the dead I’m mov’n on.

The sun/Son is gonna shine again.

I’m Wait’n for the dawn.


Well the clock crept slow for an angel

who was camped out behind a tree.

God gave him clear cut orders.

He undertook them nervously.

Come dawn at the tomb of Jesus

He was to roll that stone away.

As He looked toward the horizon

I believe you’d hear that angel say.

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