That’s Why We Praise (Psalm 103)
Gene Ezell, Chris White Music/BMI
Regi Stone, Experience Worship / Nouveau Note / ASCAP
He’s our souls’ celebration
A gift of perfect love
He touches hearts with forgiveness
In spite of what we’ve done
He’s the peace that’s like a river
Whose banks have overflowed…
He’s the root of all goodness
And He fills our hearts with hope
That’s why we praise
That’s why we sing
Why we raise a Hallelujah
To our risen King
Our hearts give thanks
For His love and grace
Oh what an amazing Savior
That’s why we praise
He is kindness and patience
(And) He crowns us with His grace
He’s the loving, suff’ring servant
Who chose to take our place
His never-ending mercy
Stretches from the east to west
And He keeps His ev’ry promise
With unfailing faithfulness
We bless the name
Of the Lord on high
He is worthy, worthy
And that’s the reason why
And that’s the reason why