“More Like the Lord”
written by Ray Scarbrough (Chris White Publishing/BMI)
I could be like Noah, and keep my family dry
or pray like ole Elijah, for fire from the sky
I like the apostle Paul, from the dungeon dark and dim
But I’d rather be like Jesus, yes I want to be more like Him
Everyday, every way, I want to be a little more like my Lord
resemble The One, God’s only son
Lord let your voice be heard
I wanna do as I should, act as He would
until He gives the word
saying, “Child well done, your race is run”
well, I wanna be more like the Lord
I could be like Moses, and lead through darkest night
or steadfast like ole Daniel, and miss the lion’s bite
but I want to walk in the footsteps of the Man who forgives sin
I wanna be like Jesus, oh I want to be more like Him